5.96K viewsKovels Discussion Board
5.96K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Honestly, I cannot believe I am paying for this website. It is possibly the least informative site out there. I end up finding out more information on Google image search. Someone needs to update the search coding on this site — BADLY!!!


My Lord,, if your hubby has a nose for things like that (yes, I know it is not the one pictured) I would have him out looking everyday !!
Hope your mother is doing well !!
Sounds like you have had a rough couple of years !! Hope things are better now !!
The reason I asked about your store,,#1 is because I have debated on trying Etsy !! And #2 is because there have been a few things I have been looking for so thought I would check and see if you had them !! One is a particular piece of bar ware that I can not find anywhere !!
Furniture is my area so if you need assistance there,, just yell !! 19th and 20th century or if its older than that I have a friend that is an expert on the colonial/pilgrim era !!
We also are on antique-shop.com if you would like to join !! Its pretty much an interactive group and we all pitch in to get the correct information for those that ask questions !!
One thing I can tell you about those unmarked pieces you mentioned,, If you can`t find it with a descriptive search,,just forget it and go on to the next one !! Doing what you are trying to do you will spend more time that they are worth !! And as they say,, time is money !!
Will be looking for your post as you get things in order !!
Would love to visit your store !!


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