1.65K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.65K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I’ve something quite unusual and can’t seem to find any info on it at all, only speculation.
I’m affectionately calling it “murder cage.”
Theres a metal trap door at the bottom with glass tubes, some of the tubes have double sided metal needles. The tubes connect to the outside, as if something triggers them to shoot out. I’ve yet to try and open it, quite honestly it’s a bit freaky! The cylinder in the center has a threaded hole, as if something is inserted to activate it. Unsure. Any info whatsoever would be fantastic. Thoughts?

I believe it could be for a game (forced or otherwise) similar to Russian roulette, but with shooting needles. Given that they’re rigged to go in either direction you wouldn’t know which side they would come out of. Possibly poisoned? Assassination? Booby trap?


Taiwan or China would be what I would think !! I have found nothing even remotely similar !! I would suggest taking it to a Museum if thats possible !! Surely someone there would know something !! Please come back and update here when you find out !! I would love to know about it !!


[quote]Where did you find this cage ?? Assuming that you bought it,, what were you told about it ?? As a safety measure I would not attempt to do anything until you know what you are dealing with !![/quote]

My mother acquired it at an Italian families farm. The kids of the family that had passed were selling their items at a farm. Nothing is known about it, sadly. I’ve posted it on several antique and oddity groups and no one knows anything about it. Lots of theories it’s a booby trap or ceremonial piece. A few people think it’s Taiwanese, maybe.


Where did you find this cage ?? Assuming that you bought it,, what were you told about it ?? As a safety measure I would not attempt to do anything until you know what you are dealing with !!

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