768 viewsKovels Discussion Board
768 viewsKovels Discussion Board

Would there be any value to a wooden case of Liggett and Myers “Scalping Knife” brand tobacco which still contains original tobacco plugs and printed flyers from the 1800’s? The paper advertising label on the outside is tattered, and almost completely gone. The inked/stamped areas on the box are faded, but legible. The box is about 14″ square, and about 4″ deep. The inked/stamped area indicates the company was in St. Louis, Mo., factory number 74. There are numbers spaced out on the back of the box, 18……6……12. When I bought the box it was for the primitive nature of the item….I had NO idea it contained tobacco plugs inside. I am truly puzzled as to whether it has any value?….. If I can legally sell it since it contains tobacco?….. And if I cannot sell it, how to correctly dispose of it? Any ideas?

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