2.95K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.95K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have about 1,000 pieces of old sheet music. Many pieces are in plastic covers. Some, I believe, go back to the 1800’s. I’ve tried to separate & catorigize it but its a vast undertaking. I don’t know how to price it or if I should just sell it in a lump-sum. Anyone with ideas to help me?


I too have a great quantity of sheet music similar to yours. Unfortunately, sheet music is in a down turn like most other collectibles. I have had my best success with selling o ebay as a lt of 10-12 pieces at an average of 5 to 7 us dollars per sale. It is time consuming but the alternative is to sell 300 pieces for about $50 which is a loser in my book. Goodluck

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