2.94K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.94K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I have about 1,000 pieces of old sheet music. Many pieces are in plastic covers. Some, I believe, go back to the 1800’s. I’ve tried to separate & catorigize it but its a vast undertaking. I don’t know how to price it or if I should just sell it in a lump-sum. Anyone with ideas to help me?


If you let me know some titles you have, I might be interested in buying them at a fair price. Unfortunately, most of the go for under $5 a piece unless they are collectible

I have numerous good ones laugh clown laugh, river away from my door 1931 negro stereotype, little Joe thanks to you Ned miller, there ain’t no in my babys eyes, I’m getting so no I don’t care vintage 1923, from midnight till dawn Vic Torry 1927, I will take you back to Italy and you’ve got your mothers big blue eyes Irvin Berlin,

I have a lot more I could email a complete list with pictures

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