974 viewsKovels Discussion Board
974 viewsKovels Discussion Board

Does anyone know what this is? Wooden- about 16″ long, handle on top and side crank. Belts are missing, looks like it blew something out of old tin/brass cone in front. Thanks for looking and your comments.

[img size=150]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-44ga9DZVWik/UaUu0MRj6GI/AAAAAAAAAfE/FVMsE0WxI_8/w242-h324-no/2013-05-28+16.14.41.jpg[/img]
[img size=150]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-f-C6jzxtVgo/UaUu0LgrvdI/AAAAAAAAAfA/EEBH17cS-X8/w320-h348-no/2013-05-28+16.14.36.jpg[/img]

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