2.25K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.25K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Does anyone have any idea what this side table is? [img size=127]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/3_leg_side_table.JPG[/img]


Thank you for replying. Without any mark or sticker it would be impossible to know for sure who made this. So many of these were made. also called a hall table. Not only were they sold in furniture stores but you could order them from Sears and Montgomery Wards etc.


Thanks for the ideas Carolyn. Would you happen to know who made this or where it may have came from?


Just what you said it is, A side table, kinda ornate and cute. Used mostly to set a flower plant on Or a small clock, or lamp. use a pretty doily under it.

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