1.70K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.70K viewsKovels Discussion Board

My grandmother dealt antiques and told us this had value but she died before we got the name recorded. Any help?

[img size=150]http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/530070_10151118479665783_2085277468_n.jpg [/img]

[img size=150]http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/306330_10151118482545783_1971615612_n.jpg[/img]

The bottom has only the light impression of 283 or 233.


I have searched in every thing I have here and on net. The only thing that comes remotely close to your pot is a unmarked Weller pot. Titled “Forest” But I don’t think your pot is a Weller because you can see numbers. Along with many potteries who used number’s is also Morton Potteries, They used mostly numbers and nothing else, you very rarely see another mark or name Morton. I buy pots like your’s at auctions for a dollar or two. It’s too bad you did’nt get the info before Grandmother’s passing. If your in doubt or sure it’s valuable then take it too a pottery expert.

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