6.01K viewsKovels Discussion Board
6.01K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Good afternoon! I was recently given a large collection of Quimper pottery to sell for a older family member. I have been using Kovel.com as a price guide. I reached out to a local antique market but they don’t deal in pottery. I can post on ebay, but noticed that the Quimper isn’t selling, and is definitely not selling for the prices I see here; they are much lower and as much as my family member wants to scale down, I would like to see her get a decent price for it also.

Do you have any recommendations on where I can sell the Quimper to get a fair or close to fair price?

Thank you for any insight you can give!


Friedrich is correct !! Please do not use this site as a guide for values !! You can check the internet for collector sites but ebay tells you what people are actually paying for similar pieces !! Not the asking/start prices,, check the sold/ completed sales as Friedrich said !!
The antiques/ collectibles market goes up and down like the stock market !!


Not my area of expertise however generic rules apply. Define Quimper: Henriotware? Any other business located in Quimper? Or wares named as such as they “look like” Quimper? Also, how old are these items? Modern goods (Henriot still exists) will of course be cheaper.

That aside and not wanting to bite the hand which hosts this forum but the Kovels price guides are outdated by far and can hardly be seen as source of estimates. eBay on the other hand – and especially eBay’s closed auctions (finished, thus showing sold-for prices) – is a good start when one wants to get a rough idea on value nowadays.

The ceramics and porcelain market has gone south the last few years; every guide older than a year is literally yesterday’s news. People’s expectations are still way behind, hence the shock when former US$ 750 collectibles do not even sell after three weeks on eBay listed for US$ 49.

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