2.13K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.13K viewsKovels Discussion Board

i have a painting that appears to be of a tropical setting with a hut in it. anyways, the signature on it says (i believe) – Eady, M. i can’t find this artist online anywhere.
its a complete mystery to me. i’ll try to post the pic later .


When you can,, post the pics so I can see the signature and the art style !! Will see if I can find the artist !!


yes, i’m in massachusetts.


OK so its M. Eady ?? Are you in the U.S. ?


Eady is the last name. M. is the first initial of the artist’s first name.


If you can post a pic of the painting and the signature it would help !! As a rule professional artists would not initial the last name !! Name recognition is how an artist makes his living !! How would any one know who this person is with only an M. in the signature !! Most likely your painting was done by a hobby artist !! Not one who intends to sell his/her work !! Hobby artists are not listed !! You have to have a sales record for that !!

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