1.11K viewsKovels Discussion Board
1.11K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Top says [i][b]”OXO Brand TOFFEE ..A delicious and nourishing sweemeat containing “OXO” Fluid Beef”[/b][/i] Over the years I have researched this tin many times and the only reference I could find was that the OXO company in the 1930s tried to [u]manufacture chocolate and toffee with the fluid beef [/u]and it only lasted very briefly. Nothing else. I can’t get a pic attached… doing something wrong. On the rim it also has “Manufactured in England 10 ozs. nett. Sole Proprietors OXO Limited, London, England And at Dublin, Cape Town, Montreal etc.” The rim at the top of the bottom piece is extremely sharp. I cannot imagine selling anything to the public this dangerous. Can anyone help me find any info on the production of this [b]”OXO fluid beef toffee”[/b] … or about my tin. I cannot find anything about it even at this site. Please?! [img size=250]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/HPIM15991.JPG[/img]

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