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1.90K viewsMusic

I’ve had my grandfather’s violin since I was a child taking lessons. On the inside visible under the “S” cut-out it says
“Jofephus Paulus Christa Lauten,
V. Greigenmacher in Munchen 1730”.
Anyone know anything about it? I played it in the school orchestra for 8 years before putting it away. It hasn’t been played since 1961 and is missing strings, the bridge and one tuning knob. Any help in identifying it and its potential value would be greatly appreciated.:)


As to value I haven’t a clue. However I can tell you that you should not get rid of it. You should loosen all the strings and keep it in a moisture controlled setting as much as possible just no radical temperatures especially heat. Loosen the hair on any bows in the case and keep the bugs out of it. You may well discover that it means very much to you or another family member some day. Good luck.

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