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4.43K viewsMusic

Hello. I am wondering if someone could tell me if this accordian is Civil War era? And also could you tell me the value. The accordian is mostly wooden. The only marking I can see if Extra Broad Steel Reeds Made in Germany. It plays, but the billows are rough.

Thank you

Anonymous Changed status to publish January 26, 2020

The decoration was done by the maker and has no relevance to the Civil War !! Many instruments were used by soldiers of that era but were brought from home and were not a part of the military issue !! These were also made and used later than 1865 which was the end of the Civil war !!
Many instruments were used during the 1860`s but few are tied to the Civil War !!
In other words ,, just because it was made or used during that era does not mean it is relevant to the Civil War !!
Some use the date as a selling tactic but does not make it worth money !! The value ,, no matter when made is in its condition !!

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Anonymous Changed status to publish January 26, 2020

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