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2.90K viewsMusic

Just a post to say hello to any vinyl or shellac fans here…



I have boxes and boxes full of vinyl records that I got from an Estate Sale that I just got finished with! Any ideas on where to look for buyer’s pricing!!


I have a set of Chopin Waltzes Op.69 – 70 & Posthumous. Victor serial number 18387 – 18389. Alexander Brailowsky Pianist. I am trying to find a value. I have only found 2 for sale online and the starting price was $1500. I just need to knw if that is really a good price or if I need to be happy if someone will geve me $20. Any help would be wonderful.


I am trying to find prices for old 78rpm & 33 1/3 albums,I have a ton of albums from early 1900’s and I am confused about what they might be WORTH……ANY HELP AT ALL WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!!

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