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I have an indenture document, dated 1702, hand-calligraphed on vellum. It’s a big sheet, but has been folded down to about 5″ x 5″ for a very long time and I dare not do more than peek for fear of breaking or tearing it.

The folded face says “Fronds (or Frouds?) in Old Bonney.”

The first line reads “Made the eleventh day of June in the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God of England and Scotland…” he indenture amount was 200 pounds Sterling, but the other terms are too deep into the document for me to read without unfolding it.

When I peek at the bottom edge, it’s the reverse of the face, which implies that the entire sheet is covered with writing. It is signed by Silvestra Brathwaite, Lucy Marsh, and Eliz. Bodham. The indenturee seems to have been one “Sillvha Cooke,” but the writing is very awkward printing and it’s hard to tell.

I’d like to have it unfolded and appraised. I live in No. California. Can anyone suggest a good document expert?

Thank you.

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