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Robe is painted canvas/cloth/potato sack? and “solid/hard”. I think it may have been soaked in shellac; shaped; and allowed to harden. Hair is thread and just as hard as the robe. Hands, feet, and head are hand painted clay. No markings on head or “neck”. Staff is wire wrapped with cloth. The center “body” is a cardboard tube similar to a roll used with paper towels or toilet paper, but larger and very light in color. I think the head was glued in place at one time and the glue has since dried up and released. There is dark brown (robe paint) on the face where it meets up with the robe, so I think the head was in place when the robe was painted. Base is wood and there are some dried flowers and black felt between the monk and the wood. Dark stain on wood, can still see the wood grain. Base has just a bit of purposely made/placed “dings” along the entire top edge to give it a nice look. Black felt on the entire underside, but some of the black is missing along one edge revealing a brown/camel colored felt. Original Marshall Field & Company price tag on bottom. $65.00 original price. If this was made back in the day; $65 was big money. Goodwill find for $2.99.


LOL !! I can imagine the words !! Wish he was worth the price of those new phones !!
But don`t give up,,just put him on ebay and keep looking !! Just to keep your interest up,, check out www.whatsellsbest.com !! Click on Top Treasures !! Look for garage sale finds,,barn finds,, dumpster finds,, ect !! Its a great site just to keep up with the best sellers on ebay !! You can check out the top 25 sellers in any category as well as the top finds worldwide !!


Thank you for the info. I was hoping you would say that it was made by Monks and worth enough for me to afford one of those new iPhones. Oh well… He is very detailed/old timey looking. I like the “stiff it” product you mentioned. It reminds me of when I drive around the Chicagoland area and deal with other drivers (although slightly different words!). I’m gonna glue his head back in place and try my luck on eBay. At least I get to enjoy looking at him on my desk until he finds a new home. He looks so innocent and unknowing of the worlds problems. Thanks again.


I have not seen it before !! As with all imported items unless there is a name on it,,there is little way to know who made it !! Marshall Field likely bought quite a few !!
My guess is that it was made 1960`s or 1970`s !!
Was probably made with a product called “Stiff-It” !! Hope I remember correctly !! You could soak fabric of any kind and form it !! When dry it was invisible,, just looked like the cloth !!


Another attempt with additional images.


A few more pictures.

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