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What in the world would this be used for since it’s so narrow? Doesn’t look like it could hold much. It has US embossed on both sides. Thanks so much.


Rauville posted a link on the other thread,, scroll down to page 32 for info and pic of this cannister !!

Thanks so much for the help. So glad to get that info.


Lets see what the consensus is first !! From what was said I am sure not many of these still are in circulation among civil war collectors !!


Thanks for all the help! Wow that is so interesting. I knew it was probably pretty old so I saved it. My husband brought it home one day a few years ago from work. He was in the construction business (retired).It was of course exposed to the elements. Illinois. Know a lot of men from Illinois were sent to fight. Thanks again for the help with this. If it is indeed what we think it is, what to do with it!



Here is the link to the thread on the other forum !! I think you should read all the way to the bottom thread by talesofthesevenseas !! You may have a very good find !!
Where did you get this item ??


Thanks for helping with this container.

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