I would really appreciate help in identifying this item: Iron hand forged steer head.
It is very heavy solid iron and measures about 6 inches long and 6 inches from edge to edge of the horns. I know my mother had it for at least 75+ years. I suspect it may be a door stop, but would like to confirm that and also find out if it has any value.
Thank you!
Did you ever make out the name on the back for sure ?? Did not find anything for buffalo head or skull !! I am thinking this may have been attached to something else and just used for a doorstop which was common in past days !! Can you take a pic of the back side ??
Try wiping over the name with a chalk stick and see if you can tell what the name is !! If you do not have chalk dampen the back slightly and use flour to bring out the letters. Both can be washed off !!