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I am new here…so hello everyone. Also, have have come across a large/heavy wooden shipping box that looks to date back to the 1890s. The markings indicate it was used to send textiles/cotton or dry goods from Birmingham Alabama to New York. The shipping company is P.H. earle & Co. The railroad is The Virginia, Tennessee & Georgia Air Line. The receiving company was The Coats Thread Company. From what I can tell Earle was married to a woman who’s father was a famous cotton gin maker and was probably shipping cotton to the thread company. Due to death dates, company dates, railroad dates and others, it seems this crate dates in the 1890s. It is in great shape for that age, fully intact with metal strapping and the stamps are very legible.
Anyone have any idea of the worth? I’m keeping it because it is a wonderful piece of history of my home town but I’m curious….also, I picked it up at a yard sale for $3!
Thanks for any feedback

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