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I have some king of desk set/writing instruments. It is about 9″ long, tip to tip, and 3/4″ wide. It is black in color, with 3 writing instruments, with different jewels set in what appears to be a gold base, in each end.
One side has a ruler marked on it, and the other side is enscribed, ‘J Andrews Sloan. On the gold end is enscribed ‘J.C.Vickery’. On other end looks like ‘9 recent 5’
I know some of the instruments hold lead, there is a letter opener, etc.
Wondering what entire thing is called, and does it have any worth. I know that the gold, or jeweled part is speculative, going by age, guessing at least 100 years, it was my grandmothers, so should date to 1880’s or earlier. Thanks in advance for any help..

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