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Hi. Can somebody help me identify what type of trunk this is & possibly how old it is? I just got this trunk as as gift the other day. I don’t know much about old trunks but, have always liked them. It is 36″ wide by 21 1/2″ deep by 24″ high. Dark green, almost black in color, looks to be made out of leather and trimmed in possibly brass edges (rusty). Made out of wood inside with floral cloth interior. Badge on top says “Rogers & Madison Trunk Corp. 3 ply Petersburg, VA. USA.

It is in need of a good cleaning & possible repair. Any good advice on how to clean/ repair it? Thanks!

CarolHuether Changed status to publish January 14, 2020

Commonly called steamer trunks or traveling trunks !! Could have been made anywhere from late 1800`s to about 1920 or so !! There were many trunk companies in those years and most all trunks were made similarly !! You are lucky to have the plaque still on yours !! Maybe $125. to $150. if in good condition !! Yours would be considered fair condition and $50. to $75. would be about what you could sell it for !!
Check ebay for parts for yours and be sure and measure the handles !! There are quite a few websites that explain how to repair old trunks !! Just be careful and do not invest more than is necessary unless you are going to keep it !!

Frelly Changed status to publish January 21, 2020
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CarolHuether Changed status to publish January 14, 2020

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