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I bought someone’s stamp collection from the goodwill store for a couple of dollars. One stamp that caught my eye was a 1923 rotary press perforated 2 cent George Washington used postage stamp in red ink, and found on the hobbizine website that it could be worth $300.00,and there is a lot of commemorative stamps in the collection worth like 20 cents a peice. They also smell a little like mildew, but are not damaged from it. My question is are they worth anything being in that condition?


The coffee grounds really got the mildew smell off of the stamps. They actually smell like regular postage stamps. Thanks for the tip.


Yep I sure will.


Let me know if it works for you !!


Thanks for the tip I will definitely try it.


Should not hurt any value they may have !! One thing that may help if you have a plastic container with a lid is to line the container with a couple of layers of paper towels and spread the stamps out leaving a place in the center open !! Then put about 1/3 cup of fresh coffee grounds in a small bowl and sit it in the center !! Any brand of coffee will do,, just take a scoop from the can and put the dry coffee in the bowl !! Then put the lid on and seal it tightly !! Put it up so it will not be bothered for about a week !! Then remove the bowl of coffee and see if they still smell,, you can repeat this if necessary with fresh coffee !! Some say the coffee will absorb the odor !! I have not tried it but others swear it works !! Just don`t let the coffee get on the stamps !! There is oil in coffee grounds !!

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