Do not open it now !!
Do you have a museum close to you ?? If so I would ask at their Asian Art Department or if not,, let me know !! I have a friend who is on a specialized site for this type of thing and I can ask him !! He deals a lot in this type of thing and should be familiar with it !!
These things are a bit out of my area !!
OK We have no museum anywhere near us, we live in the B.C. Interior. Sounds good if you do that, crumb I have been trying to talk my husband into opening it for 2 years. We will see I guess!
What is it made of ?? The koi fish symbolize good fortune and prosperity, the fu dog or lion is for strength and courage !! Similar symbols/ plaques can be used in feng shui !!
martha hill Thanks wondered what the dog or lion was and what it meant. There are some shiny spots and it looks like brass or maybe bronze underneath (very heavy) Do you think we should open it up for a better look? Have not done it yet because valvet paper stuff on back. Still very curious
Are you still waiting for some information?