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I am curious as to why we have so many posts that are over a year old showing up with no current communication by the original person that posted it ?? After the update of the site all the questions were old !! And why the few people asking questions now, that are current,,never return except for one or two ??


I am one who posted once (thank you, MarthaHill for your response to that one post), but when I actually checked out the forums, they were filled with spammers, so I bailed. Sad, because I have some items that I have found and wondered if anyone knew anything about them, but I wasn’t about to leave anything here.

I know it takes a lot of work to take care of boards (I have done that for years), but still, if Kovel’s is going to have one, they should be keeping an eye on it and banning any spammers.


I suspect there are a lot of people like myself that are not really collectors, but are just looking for some info on one or two items perhaps inherited.

I don’t want to be that person that sells something for a couple bucks and then sees someone with it on Antiques Road Show saying that they found the item at a flea market.


LOL !! Thats what I told Chris,,”Be careful what you wish for,,you just might get it” !! We complained about the old forum and now,, I wish we had it back even with its kinks !! This design is terrible and much is not needed to function properly !!
The individual forums have nothing to indicate when a new post is added so no point in looking !! I just click on “recent” and see the new ones !!
I wonder what happened to those we were working on when they updated !! They were there one day and gone the next,,replaced by posts months to over a year old !! But I just bite the bullet and keep coming back !!

The size is good on my computer and the pics are good !! Could your problem with the font size be in your computer settings Friedrich ??
How is the hand doing ?? Healed and well by now I hope !!


I’ve not been around all too long here but as far as I know, you and Chris were the only people replying to porcelain matters for ages. Everything you could not answer eventually fell off the table and remained unanswered. I guess the other sections here functioned similar – a lot of questions remained unheard as the site is not frequented by Kovels employees who would have had to reply, no matter what. On the other hand, automatic notification on replies to a thread was also broken for a long time and I sometimes bumped into replies that I had never been informed of.

That aside I must say that ever since the forum overhaul the site seems to have shifted to the worse and appears to be nearly dead now. Negative word travels faster than praise, meaning that quite a few people will probably have been put off after having seen the spam and complaints about people feeling scammed after having paid for a membership.

As there is no moderation or direct communication between customer and the administration, people of course move elsewhere. I mean, no [i]”We plan to install new forum software. Any ideas?”[/i] or [i]”Thanks a lot for helping in reporting the spammers, hold in there, solution is at hand!”[/i] but a plain and simple switch, leaving many viewers hanging at a [i]404:Page not found[/i] is not the ideal business procedure, is it?

Plus the fact that the settings (font size and such) are neither configurable nor up for discussion. It’s either accept it, or die. As is, the whole website takes up one third – the true forum section even only one quarter! – of my screen width and is very small, except the header font size which is far too big. As result, I only take a look here around once a week and the last few glances showed that nothing was really moving.

No doubt that people searching for assistance will take a quick look and then start running in the other direction.

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