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Can anyone help with finding out the value of my book? It is The Complete Works of William Shakespeare comprising his Plays and Poems Embellished with Portrait from the Celebrated Chandos Picture engraved on steel and numerous other illustrations Chicago: Brennan Bros. Publishing 1890. It is a big book hard cover red with Shakespeare printed diagonally across the front. The binding is a bit loose and the pages are yellow and a bit brittle but all intact, missing no pages



Here is a link to the Google page !! You can check Abe books and several other sites for prices !!


When it comes to books condition is the most important thing !! You can put the title, the publisher and date in at Abe Books you can probably find others !! See if you can find one in similar condition and what they are selling for !! Only way to establish a value in todays market is to see what others are paying for the same book !! I would check ebay too !!

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