1.13K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.13K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I landed a job to clean out a house that was on fire
and found this plate #1796 Arnold Von Winkelried Mettlach Plate. It was found in a room that had smoke damage, but didn’t burn. The plate is in great shape,
but has some stains from the smoke. I would like to sell this plate so I would like to clean it. Does anyone know what I can use on this plate to clean it without damaging it.
Thank You,
Mike [img size=324]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/1357502602492.jpg[/img]


Hi, price guide books reccomend using pure bleach to get stains out on any plate or dishes. I have used bleach for years and it never hurt hurt paint or transfer patterns. If that don’t work try a little amonia watered down.

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