The R.C. mark is that of [b]Philipp Rosenthal & Co.[/b] (predecessor of the [i]Rosenthal AG[/i]) from Selb-Erkersreuth; it was used between 1891 and 1907.
‘RACINE’ was the body name (designed by silent partner [i]Hans Pabst[/i] who named it after his wife). The body shape has an interesting history as it was produced by Hutschenreuther and Rosenthal alike due to their connections with Pabst (both were business opponents but Pabst had shares in both).
Funny enough, there is a well-known US company involved which later claimed the design to be theirs until they were forced to revert that stance when they heard of the substantial evidence stored in the Hutschenreuther archives.
Anyway, all that is irrelevant as the item was re-decorated and thus devalued by a person apparently named ‘BECK’ (most probably a hobbyist).