Hello! I am new here and am hoping that someone might be able to help me identify my cookie jar. I know that it was my great grandmother’s and my mother said she had it while she was growing up. There is no makers mark but looks as though there could have been a sticker at one time. It is also a bank. When you drop in a coin it zigzags on the outside of the cookie jar, down to the bottom of the jar.
Thank you so much Martha! My family and I have been trying to figure out where she got it. She had many bank accounts so we thought maybe it was a promotional item from one of her banks? She received so many items from the banks that it was unreal. My mom was adamant that I get it when she was passing away from cancer. So now I just want to find out more about it, seeing as it meant so much to her. I am just so excited to know someone else has seen one! Thank you so much again for your help!