5.70K viewsPottery and Porcelain
5.70K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have 2 Goat creamers both with the V and large bee. and also printed Germany.
One has a (R)*I assume it means reproduction maybe?
I have tried to find information on them and cannot. I’ve looked everywhere. Hopefully someone can help please. I have pictures of both marks. Are they Hummels/Goebels? I don’t even know their worth. If I could please get help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
(I tried to find a “creamers” heading but couldn’t.


Thanks Friedrich !! Learned a bit !!


The [b]Porzellanfabrik Goebel[/b] in Oeslau/Bavaria at one time produced the [i]Hummel[/i] figures as one of many series and product lines. Your items have nothing to do with [i]Hummel[/i]; they were merely made by [b]Goebel[/b].

Both creamers are from the period 1950-1955; the (R) stood “Registriert” (registered), the main German copyright notice of that time.


Your pics may be too large for this site !! This site has a 2MB limit on file size !!
Re-size the pics and try again !!

Your creamer may be Volkstedt-Rudolstadt !! I am not sure and I have not found this particular mark !! They are a German company and I think they exported to other countries !! The mark is not clear and looks quite smudged so can not tell for sure what it is !!
We have a member who is an expert on German porcelains but he is only here occasionally !! If you can add “made in Germany” to your title he will know its in his area !! Hopefully he will pop in and take a look !! He is much better on German pottery than I am !!


goat creamers


trying again goat creamer pics.

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