I’m writing up our family’s ancestry. Family story is “Maggie” came over on the boat. She was in my Great Grandparents’ home. Great grandmother’s family came from Alsace-Lorraine and were German. Great grandfather’s family came from Ireland by way of years in Scotland then England (they were born in Ireland, but came to America after years in England due to the Potato Famine). I’m trying to figure out what country “Maggie” came from and how old she might be, or if she was even bought here in the US. It seems it would be lower on the immigrants’ priority list to transport over the Atlantic. My family settled and lived in Buffalo, NY in the 1800s.
There is a marking on the bottom, an MF inside a crown-type drawing. I did not see it on your list of markings. Any thoughts on the history of this bust would be appreciated. Why did people buy porcelain busts? Just the decor fad of the time?