Trying to figure out the maker’s mark. Was looking on different places but never found similar. I will really appreciate it if someone can help IDing the mark or at least the circa of the piece.
thanks in advance!
[img size=150]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa383/sullata/2PLATE/Dish/paris/1_zps151e32a0.jpg
[img size=150]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa383/sullata/2PLATE/Dish/paris/4_zpsa3081d46.jpg
[img size=150]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa383/sullata/2PLATE/Dish/paris/5_zpsa5285010.jpg
[img size=150]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa383/sullata/2PLATE/Dish/paris/7_zps39b99a6c.jpg
[img size=150]http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa383/sullata/2PLATE/Dish/paris/8_zps9180a32d.jpg
The only Paris maker beginning with H is Housel but no mark like that anywhere.
The blochy multicolour background and gilding are most out of keeping for any European porcelain maker let alone those picky Parisians. The cherubs seem to be transfer printed.
Compare the quality of this to the Housel coffee can here (left)
or indeed to any item of “porcelaine de Paris”.
No comparision. So I have to agree with TreasureHunterD.