I have not been able to identify this mark on a tea cup and saucer. I have seen pictures of a similar mark with flowers belonging to Jaeger & Co. in Marktredwitz in Bavaria on the internet. But the flowers on my tea cup and saucer seem to be tulips, instead of the three-petaled flowers of Jaeger & Co. Attached are pictures of the tea cup and saucer.
I would like to know:
(1) who was the manufacturer/maker,
(2) which is the country of origin, and
(3) what is the date/year the tea cup and saucer were made.
Thank you for any help identifying this mark.
It is not a makers mark of any kind !! It is just a decorative surround of the country of origin !! There are many different ones I have seen !! The country of origin is necessary when items are exported to other countries for sale !! The pattern on yours indicates to me probably late 1960`s or 70`s !! I remember seeing sets with a similar rose pattern & color !!