4.89K viewsPottery and Porcelain
4.89K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Does anyone know the manufacturer and other information about this mark?
[img size=350]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/vaasje_a_onderkant_P2140806.gif[/img]


Hi, thx for reply.
Here is the vase, now I succeeded in uploading 🙂

I am hoping for someone who just ‘knows’ what it is, because I already saw hundreds of marks on the web and in websites.

I really don’t know how old and from where.
The colors suggest a warm country, south of Europe.

It is not Chinese, because they almost always have somewhere a mark with a Chinese sign/letter.
I thought of England, or other country near a sea,because of the ‘wave’ form beneath the (in my opnion) ‘house’.

Thx [img size=153]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/vaasje_a_totaal_P2140805.gif[/img]


Hi, Before a person looks through a thousands of marks, it would help to have more info. What are you holding? Do you think it’s American,stoneware, pottery, porcelian etc? It help’s to see the pattern whether it’s Asian, europian,Italian etc. How old do you think it is? Have a good day!

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