2.36K viewsPottery and Porcelain
2.36K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I wonder to know if someone can help me to identify this tea cups japanese mark. Any help much be appreciated.

It is marked as with M/K

Thanks a lot form Argentina



Good Luck !! May be a long search !! Let me know what you find ??
Keep in mind that many of the marks Noritake used were different depending on what country it was exported to !!



Thank you so mucho for your answer.
It´s help me a lot to find the origin of this tea cup

best regards from Argentina


Can`t be entirely certain on this mark but I think its one of the marks that Noritake used over the years !! It is similar in style to many of their other marks !! The M/K I think stand for Morimura Kumi which just means Morimura Brothers !! They were known for using this type mark !! Noritake is known to have used over 400 marks and while I can`t say for certain,, I am pretty confident this is one of theirs !!

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