I found this plate at goodwill and wanted to know if it has any history. It has the HR Hutschenreuther Selb Bavaria hallmark in the back and a hand painted train on the front.
Your question WAS answered. Why should I try to prove the obvious to somebody that is evidently butthurt by an answer they did not expect? Not my fault if you can not understand that items (re)painted with awful images are no valuable masterpieces. What I do not need to prove – as you were so kind to do that yourself – is that you could dress up in the finest garb and you’d still not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Thanks for the laugh.
As you unselected my answer it appears that you did not like it. However that does not change a thing; the item is ruined no matter what the owner wants to see in it.
“History” is relative. It is an item formerly made at the factory of Lorenz Hutscherneuther; this item was then re-decorated by a hobbyist. Original creator, age or former item value all become irrelevant as the item is simply not original anymore.
Do you have any facts to back up your non answer?
Thanks for your arrogant non answer. Instead if conjecture would it be possible for an answer with facts and proof?