4.16K viewsPottery and Porcelain
4.16K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Inherited china, porcelain, crystal, from grandmother and mother (I’m senior citizen) and house sold so have many pieces that I cannot locate information on.  If there is an organization that can do this quickly (have to be out in 3 1/2 weeks) I would be happy to join and pay for service.

Thanks for any help


Rachel Harriss Selected answer as best May 23, 2021

Not original anymore; such initials point towards an hobbyist which (re)decorated the item/batch/set.
Redecorated items lose all producer/age/collector credit and former value as they are “defaced”, if not completely worthless.
Some of these items can be very well made, that however is not the point – they are not original anymore.

While sets may be “unique” they are also not expandable/replacable.
Not forgetting the fact that many hobbyist decorators used paints and glazes that are nowadays prohibited (lead, mercury, cadmium) as the hobbyist sector was not controlled as much as the industry was, especially in the USA.

Rachel Harriss Posted new comment May 24, 2021

Thank you very much for the information…this is new territory for me

Rachel Harriss Selected answer as best May 23, 2021

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