1.80K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.80K viewsPottery and Porcelain

The artists first name is Elaine, I can’t make out the last name.[attachment]IMG_20180927_132805.jpg[/attachment][attachment]IMG_20180927_135442.jpg[/attachment][attachment]IMG_20180927_135429.jpg[/attachment]


Meant to ask but is there a name on the back ?? Always post pics of front and back and any relevant details !!
Ha !! We all hope to do that but chances are slim to none that I will ever will !!
Always check on the item before you buy unless its something you would keep !!
Otherwise you can get money tied up in things that may not sell at all !! Don`t need a house full of those !! Art pottery is a pretty consistent seller with pretty good prices !!
Remember the companies and makers names !! Roseville, Weller, Hull,,Rookwood,, Ect.
Meanwhile this should whet your appetite,, www.whatsellsbest.com will give you the top 25 sellers in all ebay categories !! Be sure to look at “treasures” at the top of the page for hot finds at flea markets, garage sales,,thrift stores,,dumpster diving and even metal detecting !! It will surprise you at what is found so don`t give up !!

No, there’s nothing on the back of the plate. And Thank you for the website, it’ll be fun to look, and resourceful too.

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