1.88K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.88K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Hi! I have this footed bowl that is clay or porcelain? It has bronze lines and gold lines as design, inside and out-they flip from the inside to the outside, top line outside bronze, top line inside gold and so it goes each design line following. Then has a turquoise blue lip at the top and bottom portion. It has a glaze over it that is shiny but bottom is not glazed. The mark looks Asian to me but the overall design looks Native American. Can anyone help identify the style and or mark and give a clue as to where the bowl came from? Thank you!



Did not find this particular mark but that is not unusual !! In looking at the overall even crazing we know that this was done at the time it was made and is not from age, care, temperature changes or other reasons you would find it on an old piece !! I think your bowl is modern Satsuma probably 1970`s or 80`s !! Since Satsuma is a Japanese export you can find styles that are popular in the west !! Not all mfrs made the traditional Japanese patterns and the newer ones are more geared to western styles than old ones !! Depending on the size your bowl could be a rice, noodle or tea bowl and may have been part of a set !! I am going to post this to another forum and get other opinions !!


Working on it !!


Hi! I added another pic, hopefully this one is more helpful!!! Thank you!


Can you get a better pic of the mark ?? Maybe outside in good light !! Its a bit dark in this pic !!

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