6.77K viewsPottery and Porcelain
6.77K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Can anyone identify the makers marks on this piece for me? I have been researching for hours and cannot find it.

I have a Gaebler & Gröschl vase. This was made between 1889 – 1903. and it shows those marks


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Maker was the [b]Porzellan- & Fayencefabrik Gaebler & Gröschl[/b] from the town of Ladowitz near Teplitz. Mark used beween 1893 and 1899. As he does not visit this site anymore I sent a message to [i]Chris Marshall[/i] of porcelainmarksandmore.com, he might know more.


Very pretty vase !! I am trying to find the names of the G&G for you !! This evidently is a small company and may have been merged into another one !! Give me a day or two !! If Friedrich shows up he likely will know the details !! He is more of an expert on the region !!


Thank you so much. What an immense help!! Attached is a photo. Can you tell me more?

  • Kovels
  • Kovels

I have a Gaebler & Gröschl vase. This was made between 1889 – 1903. and it shows those marks

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