1.77K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.77K viewsPottery and Porcelain

A friend of mine has this blue ironstone teapot that looks like an English man with a large belly and is looking to sell it. I haven’t been able to find anything about it via multiple searches on the internet. Does anyone know anything about this teapot? I would surely appreciate any answers! Thank you!

Martha, my camera is just lousy and old. I added a picture of the bottom. It says ironstone at the bottom and Victoria at the top.



Thanks,, that will help !! There were quite a few mfrs that made figural teapots !! Just found the one above but says mfr is unknown !! It is in New Jersey !! Your friends teapot is missing the lid ,, this one has it !!

His is not blue and white, but all blue. This is not the same teapot, but thank you anyway!

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