3.25K viewsPottery and Porcelain
3.25K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Dont know to much about it.
Stands about 13inches tall

Anyone have idea of age maker name of piece, and value?




Thanks for that tip.

I did learned some new words lol
Jugendstil or art nuveaux

I googled them and my looks alot like those from the euro styles. getting closer but still far away lol


I would spend some time hanging out on eBay looking at Weller and Rookwood. Neither of them made your vase but sellers like to suck you in and you might find something similar. That would give you a start. Also think about who else made free hand decorated brown ware – JB Owens, Cambridge Art Pottery, early Roseville, early McCoy (Loy-Nel-Art) and some of the Cincinnati shops. I don’t know that it was any of them but you might find a similar shape (a hobbyist could have purchased a blank and decorated it at home) or you could find a listing that says “This looks like ______ but it isn’t.”

bmy Changed status to publish January 26, 2020

Ok thanks.
If you were googling info what would you look for?
I have tried sail boats in pond
pretzel handled vase
sail boat vase and many other things lol


With its dull finish and brushed, rather than spray blended background, the piece looks more like a studio piece than a factory made piece.


Anyone have any ideas tgo where else I can get info on this via the other forums? I hate to stray to another forum for info but would like to know about this piece 🙂

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