1.04K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.04K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Hi many thanks for looking and hopefully helping me out to identify this piece. It is all hand painted and is very fragile porcelai. Has a hand painted signature/makers mark on the bottom. I am searching to see if this is Japanese Kutani pottery and what is was used for and possible age. Any help is appreciated. [img size=382]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC04236.JPG[/img]


Hi Chad, This mark does not look like the real Kutani mark. Kutani made in middle 1700-1890 used 5 marks, orange-reddish on gold. your dishes have decalcomania style. Czechoslovia made a lot of this (decal patches) with Japanese marks for Japan and American markets. What you have is referred to as Kutania Style. As to age I don’t know or it’s value. Info came from Kovels and Geisha Girl porcelian book by Elyce Litts.

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