1.02K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.02K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I’m obsessed with Johnson Bros. dinnerware. It began with my parents’ first anniversary gift, a set of [b]The Friendly Village[/b], which I inherited. In the meantime, I saw a set of [b]Pomona[/b] in an antique store about 20 years ago and paid about $250 for it (a great deal!) and I use [b]Staffordshire Bouquet[/b] as my everyday china (got that at a swap meet for about $60!).

I just saw some pieces of a coffee/tea set in [b]Spanish Hacienda[/b] in a second-hand store and it includes coffee pot with lid. Great price and can probably bargain it down to the $75 range, since it’s been sitting on a shelf for months. But I can’t find any Spanish Hacienda on Replacements.com, so I don’t know the real value. Anybody? The shop said the coffee pot sells on ebay for $400.

Anybody know of any books on Johnson Bros history? Any great stories? What’s your favorite pattern?


Try Looking for Johnson Bros. “Heritage Hall” If I recall correctly “Heritage Hall” was the master series name and then there were sub patterns like Spanish Hacienda, French provincial etc.

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