6.58K viewsPottery and Porcelain
6.58K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Was told it was 13th century.


Will check it out !! Never hurts to get other opinions !!


I read the replies and I even went over to the site they recommended

I posted to that site the same info and larger photos via a link.

They said it might take 12 hours for a moderator to approve the post.

The post title is “Korean Crab Plate?”


I do not know how she came to acquire the piece. She had a lot of champleve and cloisonne pieces from China and Japan, silk screens and painted panels, a marriage bed or opium bed, etc. But most of that stuff was 150 or less years old. In 1980 and 1981 she was working with someone bringing things over from China.

I googled a lot of Korean period pieces from that era 936 -1392 but not one piece had a mark on the bottom. That made me think it was a later piece. I am not even sure it is from Korea. I just cannot find anything like it in style. Thanks for following up on this, will be interested to hear what other think…



So you can read the replies !!


Well,, I can see the red from the iron in the clay but ,,something just makes me think this is later than that date. I will cross post this thread to another forum !! They have much more experience than I do on things like this !! Do you know how your mother acquired this piece ?? I will post a link so you can read the replies !!

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