Trying to find more info on Lindsey Balkweill 80s new wave style figure of a sax musician. About 10 inches high. Her initials are on the bottom and 6/97 on bottom.
If you want to know the specific value,, only way is to list it and see what someone is willing to pay ! Book values are ridiculous and do not reflect the current selling prices !! If I said it was worth $100. but no one is willing to pay that amount then that is not what it is worth ! Best thing you can do is try to sell it and see what it brings ! There have only been two sold on Ebay one in April and one in May neither brought asking amount ! They accepted the best offer ! That doesn`t make good sales !
Thanks for the response, but I already searched online for the item.
Thanks for the response, but I already searched online for the item.