1.57K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.57K viewsPottery and Porcelain

Does anyone recognize by who and when this may have been made? I haven’t been able to identify the mark on the bottom. I know it made its way from eastern Europe during the WWII and was in the family from at least the late 1800’s.


May I ask what the base color is ?? It looks to have a blue tint in these pics !! I do not think that is a mfrs mark but more likely a decorators mark !! You can see the impressed number in the bottom which would be the shape number !! Can you take a close shot of the first or second pic so I can see how the decoration is done ? Also what is the finial on the lid ?? Can`t tell what it is !!

Unfortunately I can’t at this time as it is not with me. rather elsewhere with family. It is a light robin egg blue base colour.

I myself can’t tell what the finial is either!

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