1.42K viewsPottery and Porcelain
1.42K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I am trying to figure out the maker associated with the attached logo/mark.

Any ideas? I’ve searched the databases I can find online, but have not seen a match. If I had to guess I would say the pieces I have in this set are 80-100 years old. [img size=400]https://kovels.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/2013_03_24_20_48_31_480.jpg[/img]


That gives me exactly what I need. I appreciate your help!

My wife recently came across her great grandparents dishes and wondered about specifics. Of the 30 or so pieces she got, only one had a mark on it.

I believe the pattern is Mildred.


Hi, your mark is for Mount Clemens Pottery Co. They made mostly dinnerware. Your mark was used in the 1930-40ties. Later on in 1967 Mt Clemons and McCoy were under the ownership of Chase&Chase Interprises. Info came from Lois Lehner U.S. A. marks of pottery & pocelian.

bmy Changed status to publish January 26, 2020

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