2.88K viewsPottery and Porcelain
2.88K viewsPottery and Porcelain

This mud man very dark mud, face holes for eyes, not finished gloss on face[attachment]IMG_20181025_084843782.jpg[/attachment][attachment]IMG_20181025_084521114_HDR.jpg[/attachment]


These were made independently by the artist so it would not be likely to find any two alike !! Thats the point !! How it is made is uo to the individual,, they are not mass produced !! The mud color depends on the region it was made !! The China stamp is only used if it was intended for sale outside of china,, it was intended as an export !! If it was to be sold inside the country would not have “China” on it !! No need for country of origin unless it was to be shipped to other countries !! Then you need a country of origin stamp !! Some only have it on a stick on label !! Many sold in the U.S without a country of origin stamp had a stick on label that was taken off !!



This should help you !! Your figure is very correct in that the Mud Men figures should only have the glaze on the clothing, not on the skin and should have holes for eyes ears ect !! Read the article in the link above !! It tells what to look for in the older figures !!

Thank you marthahill I read the article, and do not see a CHINA stamp inside at all just the stamp in the picture. He has holes for eyes and ears, not mouth. So hard to tell but he is very nice any way. Spent hours looking, never found one similar, especially with such dark mud Carolyn


Reduce the size of the pic !! This site has a maximum of 2MB on files !! Pics need to be smaller than that !! 1000MB for one pic or 2MB for single ect !!

thanks for help had to take picture with phone instead of camera pictures up now


Mud man how old is it ?

Thanks for help took me a while :0( :0)


There is no pic !!

trying to rectify this sorry upload did not show and is the first time I did this

sorry trying to rectify, never done this before

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