5.28K viewsPottery and Porcelain
5.28K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I have been searching for more information on this Haviland set for a few years. The numbers can be seen clearly yet nothing comes up in searches. Can anyone help?

Thank you!


Thanks Friedrich,, did not know that but it explains a lot !!


I guess either looking for replacement(s) or trying to get a hint on value?

In September I had a long session with Chris and he was just writing something related to this, about people being “web washed” (as in “brain washed”, but by search engines) as all main search engines and big file sites (Amazon, eBay, YouTube, etc.) in recent years established a strategic alliance, one target being the massive decrease in required backbone storage.

Huge amounts of resources were freed during this process as all formerly “eternally” stored webpages/images now expire after a certain time, falling out of search engine indexes and thus not being required anymore on the source server. Especially noticable since Google introduced new algorhythms in 2015.

For users the result is that many older eBay pages suddenly do not contain images anymore or go away completely (often noticed via Pinterest, etc.). And this in turn means that certain items – formerly found in older entires, backlogs, etc. – simply vanish after a while. Common (and thus often refreshed) content, like Rosenthal “Studio Line” items, are easy to be found while other things like complete Edelstein “Hertha” or “Renate” images, frequently shown in 2014, are plain impossible to be found nowadays.

People google a pattern, do not find it, claim it is “rare” or “one of a kind”. Which it is not, it’s just not listed in the main search engines at the moment – sometimes because it was produced in such high numbers that nobody bothers to list it (no money to be made).

Think about it.


Is there a particular reason you need to find another online ??


Thank you for your help! I still haven’t found another one online though.


The two double-digit numbers, “16” and “25”, are the IDs of those foremen responsible for the quality control of those items. “01584” is the pattern code. German producers rarely “named” patterns but left that for importers/retailers, hence the confusion nowadays (and in this case) as the producer-given pattern ID differs from whatever name the importer/retailer registered and used in marketing (not only between countries, but even US East / West Coast!).

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