3.17K viewsPottery and Porcelain
3.17K viewsPottery and Porcelain

I am looking for some assistance with the identification of a coffee/tea pot with a creamer and sugar bowl. I have attached photos to help with the identification. The pieces have a Maker’s Mark on the bottoms of each item. I have searched the internet for both the physical pieces and by the Maker’s Mark. I also searched Kovel’s Mark section. Can’t find anything matching. The pattern is the same on both sides of each piece. Not sure if I was using the correct site to search for Maker’s Mark. If anyone has any recommendations of a good site or sites, that would also be appreciated also. The coffee/tea pot is 8 ½” tall to top of lid, creamer is 4” tall to top of lid & sugar bowl is 3 ½” tall.



Thank you for the information you provided. The web site was very helpful and I bookmarked it for future reference if needed. I am pretty ignorant on collectibles and would never take credit for something I know little about. Probably screw up if I did. I do have one other question if you care to answer. Why did the coffee/tea pot set I found on the web site have the have the horizontal bar and bottom curve filled in but mine did not. Just curious on this question.

Again, thank you for the information.


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